Sarah527 Blog

The life of a single mom of two boys as she explores new ideas, new thoughts, and a new career.

Friday, May 06, 2005

Warning: Much Jason Mraz Gushing to Follow!!

Jason's single "Wordplay" is due out on May 16th. Since I don't listen to the radio very often and none of them in the area play his type of stuff I figured it would take forever to hear it. I was good and when they were trading his single all over the place I resisted(damn, copyright laws!). This morning I popped over to his fan board to see what was up. Someone posted a link to a radio station in Indiana that was doing an interview with him that was available to stream online. He was supposed to be on between 10-11am and since it was already 10:30am I figured I'd missed him. Within minutes of logging on to the site I heard the the sound of his voice. Bonus day, I got to hear him talk. He talked about the album. He sounds so proud of it!! It's nice to get a bit of an insight into the process. He then proceeded to play his new single, not the studio version, but an acoustical version, just him and his guitar. Now his studio stuff is fine but damn, when it's him and his guitar I gotta tell you it's magic!!! His voice to me is like relaxation and sex at the same time. It has such a way of soothing and exciting at the same time. He should come with a warning label.

The new song is awesome, as I knew it would be. It's deep, gotta listen to the words, he pokes fun at himself, at his fans(nicely) and the music industry as a whole. It has a super catchy hook to it so maybe it might actually be a hit. Maybe in the future when I say "Jason Mraz" I won't get a dumb look. The Chick DJ was funny when she said she could sit and listen to him play all day. I was so jealous to be that close to him, of course if I was, I don't think he would be playing for very long.

Me and the girl on the fan board are finalizing our t-shirt plans. She has a couple of nifty ideas along with mine. We are trying to see if we can get a couple more people to sign on too!!

/Gushing offically over!

And yes, I did just enable the comments, I hope I'm not opening myself up to more abuse. I'm still getting the hang of this whole thing and hopefully I'll be able to make this look a bit nicer in the future.


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