Sarah527 Blog

The life of a single mom of two boys as she explores new ideas, new thoughts, and a new career.

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

I forgot to add!

Tomorrow marks the beginning of Lent. Even though I'm not confirmed Catholic my mom used to give stuff up every year and I try to do the same...With not so great success sometimes.

Last year I gave up my Jason music. That was hard because I was listening to him a lot but I made it through.

This year I've been pondering what to do. It seems with our money situation I've given up a lot already. I also thought of lots of things I *should* probably give up, diet coke being one of them. I drink way more than I should and I know it's a very bad habit. Still I've been doing better, I at least try to match each diet coke with a glass of water. I also only buy diet coke when it's on sale so in reality it's maybe $5 a week and in the long run it's not that much.

I pondered the computer. I spent way too much time on the BB's but then I realized that that is my only source of communications with my friends. I'm not a phone person so if I stopped the computer, I'd lose contact with the whole world in a sense. Yes, I know not the same as food and water but still something I think is impossible.

Instead I decided to give up buying any more stash. Even though money has not allowed me to do a lot I still find myself here and there picking stuff up...floss, beads, needles, etc. And in the long run I think that does add up. So starting tomorrow there will be no stitching related purchases, not even if I run out of something. I just kitted up two projects and I have several here(more than several) that have everything they need to start so I'm not going to want for things to stitch on!

I just have to remember nothing is going to go OOP in 40 days. There is nothing that I can't walk away from, there is nothing that if I still *love* it in 40 days that I can't get.

So there you have it. It's in writing and like my stitching goals I found once I wrote it down I was more likely to stick to it!!


At 9:39 AM, February 28, 2006 , Blogger Jill in CA said...

At church last week (I'm Methodist) they stressed that, as opposed to giving stuff up for Lent, you could add a good habit. I haven't decided what I'm going to do as this is the first year I'll be observing Lent since I just converted to Methodist from Baptist. I guess I'd better start thinking since it starts tomorrow!

At 9:13 PM, February 28, 2006 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I need to get thinking on this too. I'm not sure what I'll add that's good OR give up that's not so good.

Great food for thought...(No pun intended as I head for not-needed chococolate!)


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