Sarah527 Blog

The life of a single mom of two boys as she explores new ideas, new thoughts, and a new career.

Friday, May 27, 2005

Today is my birthday!!!

I'm 38 today. I don't think to much about age, I think I look more or less then same as I've always looked...Well, as long as I keep grey covered(which I've been getting since I was 23 so it's not all an age thing). I had a moment last week where I felt old in an instant. I got an invitation to my niece's graduation/happy 18th birthday celebration. She was a little over two when DH and I were married. One of my favorite pictures/memories from my wedding was DH and I dancing with her in our arms. She had this HUGE red kool-aid smile. I couldn't believe that two year old is now a young woman. I mean I see her most mornings, I knew she was growing, knew she was graduating but something about seeing it in black and white made it hit home.

On the very same day I received a letter in mail address to my maiden name....A name I hadn't seen in ages!! In it I found an invitation to my 20th high school reunion. 20 years?!? Where did the time go?!? Seems like just yesterday *I* was graduating and my whole life was before me with endless possibilities. Again I *knew* this was coming but see it in black and white made it hit home.

Each thing by itself my not of made an impact but the two, on the same day, made me feel ancient in an instant.

Realistically I know I'm only a day older than yesterday and will be a day older tomorrow. I also know that 38 is not old, I still ::knock wood:: have my whole life ahead of me, lots of possibilities and lots to look forward to. Still 38...Man, that sounds OLD!!

For fun I dragged out my high school yearbook not to long ago. Donovan was asking questions about high school and found it interesting that Billy and I went to the same school(though we never knew each other). Since I had just cleaned out a closet I knew where my book was so I dragged it out and showed it to him. He thought it was hysterically funny!!

So in honor of my high school reunion and my birthday I decided to include my senior picture...I look pretty much the same:
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As for my birthday plans, I plan to get the kitchen and bathroom cleaned(both I've put off for a couple of days). Donovan has a 1/2 day today so I'm sure most of the afternoon will be spent keeping track of both of the boys. Other than that I don't think I will be doing much. Originally we had planned on going out but DH and I couldn't agree on what to do with the kids so we aren't going anywhere.

On the bright side I treated myself to some cross stitch fabric and I've been having fun stitching on it this week and honestly I don't really need anything. I was greeted to several pretty funny e-cards in my inbox this morning by some really good friends and Gaelan woke me up with a big hug and a loud Happy Birthday!! What more could I want? I could go whine a little about how I told DH exactly what I wanted, and how I wanted to celebrate my birthday and that he couldn't find the time to do either but I won't. It's a waste of energy. I love Billy and he's an amazing husband. It's just when it comes to gifts, celebrations, and holidays he just doesn't do so well. I just have to learn to accept that and not take his lack of gift giving skills as a lack of love.

Though I at least better get a card(I didn't last year, not from him, not from the kids)...If I can get a Birthday e-card from Webshots, I better get one from my husband!!


At 9:38 AM, May 27, 2005 , Blogger Jill in CA said...

Happy Birthday, Sarah!! My husband is terrible about birthdays/gifts too, so we decided to not exchange them. It still sucks sometimes, but no one's perfect I guess! Enjoy your new stitching and I hope you have a fabulous day. :)

At 8:15 PM, May 27, 2005 , Blogger Sue said...

Happy Birthday, Sarah! I think I'm another woman who can relate to the DH gift thing. My DH has gotten much better, but I still can relate. (mind you he's better but that's after 25+ years of being together!)

You're wise to not equate it to lack of love. It's just how some men seem to be.

It was fun seeing your picture, too. It's nice having a face to connect to a name. I know it may sound silly but you remind me a bit of one of my friends that I've had since 1971!

Have a great evening/Saturday!


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