I like to blog!!
I really like to blog. I like being able to put my feelings on to paper. It helps me sort through my feelings, helps me clarify things and at times allows me to say things that I can't say out loud. I like the fact I can pour something out, a frustration, a fear, and then let it go. I feel like these outlets allow me to be a much more calm, rational, sane person in real life. I think if you met me IRL people would be surprised at how upbeat I am. I seem to make a lot of people laugh. Some of my humor doesn't always translate to typing. I got the same kind of release when I did a handwritten journal. I don't do that so much anymore. This is much quicker and much easier to read later. The fact that anyone reads this or even missed me was a bonus!!
I also love the contact of the BB world too. It allows some of the same thing. I can vent about something that my hubby wouldn't understand(a Tv show, cross stitch, Jason) and know someone understands what I'm saying. I've met a wonderful group of people through them. Through that community I've made good friends with 5 incredible women. We all live close and all share our love of cross stitch but if it wasn't for the computer we never would of met. Life is so much more fun since I met them!
As a bonus I made friends all around the world. Some I got to meet, some I consider a computer friend I just haven't seen face to face, but still consider them friends. I've witnessed births, deaths, marriages, break-ups, stitching happy dances and all other stuff in between. There a few I think of in my real life, many I've said a prayer for during hard times, and some I've shared my stash with.
In all good bunches however there are a few sour apples that spoil the bunch. It's a shame that people have to be so petty and mean about things. They can never just walk away, they can never just let things drop, but continue needling you on and on. A coincidence happen today in the BB world. I blog about something and suddenly *poof* one bad apples has a *friend* :wink, wink: with a similar problem, only instead of being sympathetic to said friend she put them down and the whole tone was "she's lying". Ok, maybe I'm paranoid, but I doubt it. It's also not the first time this has happened(I blogged, a topic magically appeared elsewhere about the same thing). I just find it way, way to coincidental today.
And what is the point of said person? Supposedly she has a life, a great life, which she will tell you often and loudly, and in lots of words if you take the time to listen....personally since I don't really like this person I tend to avoid her posts(though it's hard sometimes since she seems to have so much time to post) I also don't bother to read her blog, why would I care what she is up to. What confuses me though is why would she take the time to read mine? She only could of gotten the info in 3 places, either by me personally(no way), this blog, or one of my friends(who I know wouldn't of said anything). Whether she is actually reading my blog or someone is pointing it out to her I still can't help but wonder WTF? At first it was quite upsetting, it then moved to annoying, and now it is just darn right pissing me off.
I understand that this(and the BB) are a public forum. Anyone could read them. I'm sure there have been people who have wandered by here, read my personal thoughts, formed an opinion and moved on. That's fine, a risk I'm willing to take and honestly I wouldn't put anything down here I wouldn't say to some ones faces(ok, maybe some of rants about my DH I would word differently if I was actually talking to him), but those people keep there feelings to themselves, or leave a comment and move on. This person suddenly thinks if she doesn't use my name, cloak it under the guise of a "friend" that somehow I'm too clueless to figure out. It may be the WORLD wide web but over all some communities are very small. Did she think I wouldn't read it or that I might not know someone who would read it?
I guess I should admire their tenancity to hold a grudge. Must be nice to have time in my day with my kids, and husband and house and big powered, fancy job that I can nurse a personal vendetta. You know I might consider it a compliment but since I'm not the first, nor by any means the last person she has treated this way I can't.
The fact that this has continued on for over a year is just mind boggling.....I have heard that said person is really nice and warm in person and that just left me scratching my head over.
Sorry for the meaningless, rambling, self indulgent post but I had to say some of that out loud or explode.
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