Sarah527 Blog

The life of a single mom of two boys as she explores new ideas, new thoughts, and a new career.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Here she is how she is looking after just 1 1/2 days of beading:

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"Christmas Flourishes" designed by Nora Corbett, Copyright Mirabilia Designs

The beading is going a lot faster than I expected. Most of them are just filling in the blank spot so it's not a lot of counting. The beads are really bringing the piece to life. Plus a majority of the beading is on the top 1/2 of the piece so once I get that completed and get the BS done there is very little left to do on the piece. I'm having a lot of fun stitching on this and as much as I can't wait to finish it part of me will be sad to see it done.

I also wanted to post my new fave picture of Jason. He looks so sweet in this picture:

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I'm also happy that a evil plot that I started is going along nicely. I can't wait to see it to done!


At 7:32 AM, November 23, 2005 , Blogger Jenny said...

The beads have really added a lot to CF - I'm currently beading Cottage Garden Fairy and I can't wait to be finished. :) Yours looks great.

At 10:45 PM, November 28, 2005 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

She is so lovely. I love seeing your progress!

Susan in So Cal


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