Sarah527 Blog

The life of a single mom of two boys as she explores new ideas, new thoughts, and a new career.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

His temp is back up to nearly 101.

This has got to be the most stubborn case of strep throat I've ever seen. It took D a couple of days to respond to the new antibiotic and he really took it easy on Saturday and Sunday. Monday morning he said he felt awesome when he woke up and spent most of the day riding his bike with the little boy down the street. This morning he wasn't quite as energentic and lazed around most of the morning. He complained of a headache but he said it was just a normal one. I took his temp around noon when he said his head hurt but it was normal. He ate a full lunch and went out to play with the same little boy. I noticed however that instead of riding their bikes they seemed to hang out in the yard most of the day. He seemed subdued after dinner and a little while ago I noticed he looked not so hot again. Took his temp and it's back up to nearly 101.

Of course I will be on the phone first thing tomorrow morning and I'm sure this will be yet another trip to the dr's and of course more money. I shudder to think what this antibiotic will cost, the first one was $15, the next $60, so I imagine this will be quite a bit more. I also have no clue where the money is going to come from to pay for it.

I feel so bad for D. This is the first time he's ever had strep throat and it seems to be the case that will never go away. He was crying a few minutes ago wanting to know if he will ever get better. I'm wondering the same thing. I still think it's funny that Web says strep should resolve itself in 7 days with or without antibiotics. I wish this strain of strep read that!


At 7:39 PM, June 20, 2006 , Blogger Erin (moviemuse) said...

Sarah, I am so sorry. I sure hope they can get it fixed, and soon!!! {{{hugs}}} to D.

At 4:40 AM, June 21, 2006 , Blogger LoriU said...

Oh no! You may want to ask your dr. to do a blood test to be sure it has not entered his blood stream as that can cause much worse problems (not to scare you). Or check and see if he has a rash....he could have gone into Scarlet Fever. Also, ask the dr. to give him a shot instead of works MUCH faster in the body. I know kids hate it, but it DOES work better.

Let us know how he makes out at the dr. today....will be thinking of you.


At 4:57 AM, June 21, 2006 , Blogger Suzanne said...

Let us know what the dr says!! Suz


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